Ear Training Basics 5
Composed by Julie McIntosh Johnson. Ear training, method. Student book and CD. Published by Julie Johnson Music Publications (JJ.ETB5).
Item Number: JJ.ETB5
Ear Training Basics, Level 5 Student Book (Intermediate). Workbook and CD. 15 lessons and homework, 64 pages. To be used in combination with Teacher Book, Levels 4 through 7. Includes major and minor melodies and triads, major and harmonic minor scales, major and perfect intervals up to one octave ascending and descending, rhythm patterns in 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4, tempos and performance terms, mordents and turns, and simple rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic dictation. The CD is in MP3 format, playable on computer CD-ROMs, MP3 players, and any CD player that supports MP3 playback.