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Awarded 2018
San Carlos Business of the year
San Carlos Coin to the city
San Carlos Youth Council
San Carlos Business of the year
San Carlos Coin to the city
San Carlos Youth Council
“This is a very cool, friendly, neighborhood music store with lots of great stuff for ukulele fans and other musicians.” |
Save the Music (Store) Concert Series Videos
Click Here to See the Artist Videos...
For many years we hosted a singer songwriters concert in store once a month. The Pandemic was a difficult time for our store so the artist recorded videos to support us. Please enjoy and remember to support local artist.
Stay tuned for Clock Tower Music Live Concert Series...
Click Here to See the Artist Videos...
For many years we hosted a singer songwriters concert in store once a month. The Pandemic was a difficult time for our store so the artist recorded videos to support us. Please enjoy and remember to support local artist.
Stay tuned for Clock Tower Music Live Concert Series...